Yolo Commute Mission
Yolo Commute is a nonprofit partnership of public and private employers working together to address regional transportation and air quality issues. Our mission is to reduce single-occupant (drive alone) commutes throughout Yolo County.

Yolo Commute Vision
Yolo Commute envisions a balanced multimodal transportation system that includes transit, a regional bus system, a regional roadway system, local streets, bicycle and pedestrian facilities and travel demand management services. This system will provide reliable mobility choices to all its users: residents and visitors of all ages, incomes and physical abilities, as well as businesses that provide services and produce or sell goods.

Yolo Commute Members...
Yolo Commute has fifteen public and private sector
members representing nearly 21,000 employees and
335 residents in Yolo county!

FY 24/25 Board Meetings